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Routes Formated For The Delco CIVA INS (Read 7 times)
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Routes Formated For The Delco CIVA INS
Oct 19th, 2024, 11:02pm
I was wondering if anyone knows where I can get route coordinates especially formatted for the Delco CIVA INS. The Delco CIVA INS format is DMM, not DMS. I know there are websites where I can convert coordinates from decimal degrees or DMS to DMM, but that takes way too long to convert about 20 to 30 way points. I want a website where when I put in the origin and destination, it calculates the routes in DMM formate. For example, N47* 47.8' The * is the degrees and the ' is the minutes. So, that is N47 degrees, 47.8 minutes. There are no seconds. The Delco CIVA INS does not input seconds. Only degrees and minutes in decimal. The only websites I can find are coordinates formatted either in Degrees and degrees decimal or DMS, meaning degrees, minutes, and seconds.

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« Last Edit: Oct 19th, 2024, 11:10pm by kmanning »  
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