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1  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Parallel Installation
 on: Oct 2nd, 2022, 9:53pm 
Started by pakradm | Post by pakradm

I'm looking to have both 1.51 & 1.60 versions installed together.
Is there any solutions?
I'm suggest you to change folder name in simulator root from CIVA to anythings like CIVA16 & recompile it again.


2  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Restore Bug With XML Interface
 on: Oct 2nd, 2022, 9:49pm 
Started by pakradm | Post by pakradm

I'm using Prepar3D v3.4 + CivaINS 1.60.
When I restore INS situations, Most Lvars like (L:CivaLegDistance:X, nmiles) doesn't restore their last values.
For example CivaLegDistance becoms 0!


3  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Re: INS BAT PARALLEL SWITCH
 on: May 5th, 2022, 2:17pm 
Started by linus | Post by Marco Ravanello
Yes it is included.
Try changing:
gauge08=../../civa/Ins!BatParallel,         400, 267, 57, 71
gauge08=../civa/civa64!BatParallel,         400, 267, 57, 71

4  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / INS BAT PARALLEL SWITCH
 on: Apr 5th, 2022, 7:05am 
Started by linus | Post by linus
I just installed the latest version (1.6) and tried to make a triple INS
panel for the CS L-1011.
All went well,except for the ins bat parallel switch.
It never shows up.
My question:is this switch gauge included in the package?
my ins panel section:

window_pos=0.300, 0.070
gauge00=../civa/civa64!Msu1,             0,   0,   187,  71
gauge01=../civa/civa64!Msu2,             187,   0, 187,  71
gauge02=../civa/civa64!Msu3,             374,   0, 187,  71
gauge03=../civa/civa64!Cdu1,              0,   71, 187, 196
gauge04=../civa/civa64!Cdu2,             187,  71, 187, 196
gauge05=../civa/civa64!Cdu3,             374,  71, 187, 196
gauge06=../civa/civa64!NavModeTriple,       0, 267, 46, 71
gauge07=../civa/civa64!UpdateFlags,       275, 267, 99,  71
gauge08=../../civa/Ins!BatParallel,         400, 267, 57, 71

5  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Re: 1.6 vs 1.51?
 on: May 18th, 2021, 9:05pm 
Started by OZ flyer | Post by OZ flyer
UAL008 wrote on May 10th, 2021, 5:18am:
OZ flyer wrote on Dec 30th, 2020, 6:57pm:
In case anyone is wondering, it seems to work fine with the RFP panel and HJG’s 727 panels in FS9. No issues

Not sure what the ‘important updates’ are as it seems to perform identical but either way, it works well.

I have the old version working wonderfully in my RFP747 v2. Is the .cfg file going to be the same or will I need to rework my cfg file as well if I upgrade to the new version?

And hello to all! I hope everyone is well and healthy. It has been many moons since my last login.

I only changed the folders but kept the CFG file the same.
I personally wouldn't bother though. I dont see any difference at all. I think its more to be compatible with P3D or something like that.

6  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Re: 1.6 vs 1.51?
 on: May 10th, 2021, 5:18am 
Started by OZ flyer | Post by UAL008
OZ flyer wrote on Dec 30th, 2020, 6:57pm:
In case anyone is wondering, it seems to work fine with the RFP panel and HJG’s 727 panels in FS9. No issues

Not sure what the ‘important updates’ are as it seems to perform identical but either way, it works well.

I have the old version working wonderfully in my RFP747 v2. Is the .cfg file going to be the same or will I need to rework my cfg file as well if I upgrade to the new version?

And hello to all! I hope everyone is well and healthy. It has been many moons since my last login.

7  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Strange INS behavior after departure
 on: Feb 17th, 2021, 3:23pm 
Started by Twaalvis | Post by Twaalvis

I installed a triple unit CIVA INS setup in the RFP 747 for FS9 but quickly ran into a problem.

Recently I made a flight from VHHH to RJBB.
I succesfully setup the aircraft, letting the INS units heat up a bit before starting the alignment process. All three units were maximum aligned to the position of the aircraft.

For departure I used a VOR/DME based SID to the first waypoint which was called RASSE.
So I flew the SID and then activated the INS to fly to RASSE waypoint,
but when I did it the aircraft broke away from the track that I was flying to intercept the first waypoint.
It made a right turn as if it was returning to the airport first, flew that for 10 minutes or so, before making a left turn again and intercepting the waypoint at completely the wrong track.

Again, all units were fully aligned and RASSE waypoint was in the INS at the WPT 01 slot with the correct coordinates. I did not mess around with WPT 00, as this is was the POS position.

I actually drew the flight path on the chart to see what happened, and it seems like it was intercepting RASSE waypoint on a track that was calculated if you were to draw a line directly from the airport (VHHH) to RASSE.

I tried both version 1.51 and 1.60x32. And on all flights I made I get exactly the same problem.

Is this a classic case of pilot error, or a bug in the CIVA INS?

8  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Re: 1.6 vs 1.51?
 on: Dec 30th, 2020, 6:57pm 
Started by OZ flyer | Post by OZ flyer
In case anyone is wondering, it seems to work fine with the RFP panel and HJG’s 727 panels in FS9. No issues

Not sure what the ‘important updates’ are as it seems to perform identical but either way, it works well.

9  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Re: DC Designs CIVA install
 on: Oct 30th, 2020, 10:17pm 
Started by Olafie | Post by CPTKiddAPI
I also am having problems installing it. The manual is written for programmers and developers, not the masses that do not understand. The FSX version came with sample panels which was great because then you could just copy and paste into the CFG like installing a repaint. All I get are grey or black boxes when I try to install the INS into Concorde. All I can figure is that there is a number value or some entry that needs to be specific to get it to show up but the manual does not specify. The manual is no help.

10  Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Delco Carousel IV-A INS For Microsoft Flight Simulator / Re: Grandes herramientas
 on: Oct 11th, 2020, 1:00am 
Started by Rafael Ledezma | Post by Rafael Ledezma
Another view of the VC with the INS